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Version: v0.6.0-dev3


How to set and load configuration file when starting Infinity.

This document provides instructions for loading configuration file for Infinity and descriptions of each configuration entry.

Load configuration file

To load a configuration file when you start up Infinity using Docker:

  1. Mount the directory for the configuration file to inside the Docker container.

  2. When running Docker, specify the configuration file path using the -f option. For example:

    docker run -d --name infinity -v /var/infinity/:/var/infinity --ulimit nofile=500000:500000 --network=host infiniflow/infinity:nightly -f /var/infinity/infinity_conf.toml

A configuration file example

# Infinity server version, the minor version of this parameter should match server minor version.
version = "0.6.0"
# Timezone
time_zone = "utc-8"
# The number of worker threads. Defaults to the number of CPU cores.
# Range: [1, 16384]
cpu_limit = 8
# The mode in which the server starts. Available options:
# - `"standalone"`: Start Infinity as a standalone server.
# - `"admin"`:
# - Start Infinity either as a standalone server in `ADMIN` mode (when `storage_type` is set to `"local"`)
# - Start Infinity as a cluster node in `ADMIN` mode (when `storage_type` is set to `"minio"`)
server_mode = "standalone"

# Network configuration
# IP address of the Infinity server
server_address = ""

# Port of the Postgres server
postgres_port = 5432
# Port of the HTTP server
http_port = 23820
# Port of the Python SDK server
client_port = 23817
# The maximum number of connections. Defaults to 256.
# Range: [1, 65536]
connection_pool_size = 128
# The IP address on which the current node listens. Used for registration and inter-node communication
peer_ip = ""
# The port number on which the current node listens. Used for registration and inter-node communication
peer_port = 23850

# The delay time for reconnecting to the Infinity peer server after a failed connection
peer_retry_delay = 0
# The maximum number of reconnection attempts to the Infinity peer server after a failed connection
peer_retry_count = 0
# Timeout for connecting to the Infinity peer server
peer_connect_timeout = 2000
# Timeout for the Infinity peer server to receive data
peer_recv_timeout = 0
# Timeout for the Infinity peer server to send data
peer_send_timeout = 0

# Log configuration
# Filename of the log files.
log_filename = "infinity.log"
# Directory for the log files.
log_dir = "/var/infinity/log"
# Controls whether to print the log to the standard output. Defaults to true
# Range: {true|false}
log_to_stdout = true
# The maximum size of each log file. Defaults to "1GB".
# Range: at least 1GB
log_file_max_size = "10GB"
# The number of rotating log files. Defaults to 8
# Range: [1, 655636]
log_file_rotate_count = 10
# The log output level. Defaults to "info".
# Range: {"trace"/"debug"/"info"/"warning"/"error"/"critical"}
log_level = "info"

# Storage configuration
# The working directory of the persistence manager:
# - Holds the data that Infinity saves when using the local disk for storage.
# - Caches the accessed object files when using MinIO/S3 for object storage.
persistence_dir = "/var/infinity/persistence"

# Garbage collection period
# Defined as "number + unit of time":
# - s for seconds (e.g., "60s" for 60 seconds),
# - m for minutes (e.g., "60m" for 60 minutes),
# - h for hours (e.g., "1h" for one hour).
# To disable a specific periodic task, set the corresponding variable to "0s"

# Interval between index optimization tasks
# Range: ["10s", "720h"]
optimize_interval = "10s"
# Interval between cleanup tasks
# Range: ["10s", "720h"]
cleanup_interval = "60s"
# Interval between compaction tasks
# Range: ["10s", "720h"]
compact_interval = "120s"
# The threshold for flushing an in-memory index to disk.
# When the number of rows in the index exceeds this threshold,
# the system performs a flush operation on that index.
# Range: [8192, 8388608]
mem_index_capacity = 65536
# The type of storage to use. Available options:
# - `"local"`: (default)
# - `"minio"`: If you set `server_mode` to `"admin"` and `storage_type` to `"minio"`, the node will start as a cluster node in `ADMIN` mode.
# Range: {"local"|"minio"}
storage_type = "local"

# The number of dense vector index building worker threads. Defaults to the half number of CPU cores.
# Range: [1, number of CPU cores]
dense_index_building_worker = 2

# The number of sparse vector index building worker threads. Defaults to the half number of CPU cores.
# Range: [1, number of CPU cores]
sparse_index_building_worker = 2

# The number of fulltext index building worker threads. Defaults to the half number of CPU cores.
# Range: [1, number of CPU cores]
fulltext_index_building_worker = 2

# Object storage configuration
# URL of the object storage server
url = ""
# The name of bucket where the data is stored
bucket_name = "infinity"
# Access key of object storage server
access_key = "minioadmin"
# Secret key of object storage server
secret_key = "minioadmin"
# Whether to enable HTTP or HTTPS protocol
enable_https = false

# Buffer manager configuration
# The amount of memory occupied by the buffer manager. Defaults to "8GB".
buffer_manager_size = "4GB"
# The number of LRU caches in the buffer manager.
# Range: [1, 100]
lru_num = 7
# When the required memory size exceeds the free memory in the buffer manager,
# the buffer manager dumps some of the its in-use memory to a temporary storage.
# `temp_dir` specifies the path to this temporary storage.
temp_dir = "/var/infinity/tmp"
# The global memory index threshold for triggering a flush to disk
# When the memory used by all existing in-memory indices in the system exceeds this threshold,
# the system will perform a flush operation on all in-memory indices.
memindex_memory_quota = "1GB"

# If cache the query result.
# If same query is sent to Infinity, Infinity will check and return the cached result.
result_cache = "on"

# Cache query capacity
cache_result_capacity = 100

# WAL configuration
# The directory containing the WAL files
wal_dir = "/var/infinity/wal"
# Interval between full checkpoints
# Range: ["0s", "720h"]
full_checkpoint_interval = "86400s"
# The interval between delta (incremental) checkpoints
# Range: ["0s", "720h"]
delta_checkpoint_interval = "60s"

# Size threshold for triggering a compaction on a WAL file
# When the size of a WAL file exceeds this threshold, the system will perform compaction.
# Range: ["1KB", "1024GB"]
wal_compact_threshold = "1GB"

# Controls how the WAL manager flushes its logs to disk
# - "only_write": (Default) Writes logs but leaves it to the OS to determine when to flush them.
# - "flush_at_once": Writes and flushes logs upon each commit.
# - "flush_per_second": Writes logs after each commit and flushes them to disk once per second.
wal_flush = "only_write"

# Directory for Infinity's resource files, including the dictionary files used by the analyzer
resource_dir = "/var/infinity/resource"